Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Welcome to North Houston, TX Moms RUN This Town!

Moms RUN This Town is a FREE Running Club For Moms. Moms RUN This Town (MRTT) is a running club for moms to support and motivate you in your running journey! It doesn’t matter if you are a walker or a runner…. someone who has never raced before or a marathoner… a mom to humans or a mom to pets… We just want to surround you with like-minded women who have a passion for staying healthy!!

I'm Charissa, the leader for the North Houston Chapter of MRTT. I have a passion for fitness. I'm married with 2 boys ages 4 and 8 months. I wasn't always a health nut though. I think I really became active and healthy after I got married 6 years ago. But I never considered myself a "real" runner. I ran a few miles here and there but after I had my youngest I was determined to run my first 5K. Since then I have tackled a few 5K's and am now in the midst of half marathon training. I ran my first 13.1 miles just recently and have my first official half marathon in March.

I love to run and love to watch other people fall in love with being healthy. I started the North Houston Chapter of MRTT in hopes of inspiring other moms to take care of themselves and have fun doing it!

I look forward to taking this journey with you!!

If you would like to join North Houston, TX Moms RUN This Town please find us on Facebook.